EXCHANGE THINGS THAT ARE NOT WORKING FOR YOU. Hi guys. So am back and have been thinking about what's been going on around me and I said to myself, not everything is gonna work out for me, so what do I do when these things don’t work out for me? Am pretty sure you have walked into a store or even at the market and when you pick up an item and it don’t feel right with you_ you pick up another that suits your test right? it could even be a clothing, you see it and it didn’t fit on, you exchange it for the right one that fits perfect. That is how you exchange things that don’t work for you to things that work better for you. Now this same principle applies to your thinking. If you will exchange your " i cants" for "I can" thoughts and begin to say i can do whatever I wanna do in life because \God strengthens me, you see remarkable changes begin to happen. If you build into your character the thought that with God's help, you are able to do ...
what ever crosses thy mind...