Why You Need to Be Thankful for Yourself and How to Do It?
What do you do when you appreciate someone for what they have done?
Most likely, you would say, “Thank you”, or you would be nice, kind and courtesy towards the other person.
But how many times do we say “thank you”
to ourselves? How many times do we give thanks to our body for
functioning properly? Not many times I guess.
Self-appreciation is about turning the kindness you give to others inwards.
Instead of blaming yourself for making mistakes
or forget to do things, self-appreciation is about saying “thank you”
to yourself for all the things you have done but taken for granted.
Self-appreciation is not the same as self-esteem.
Self-appreciation is the process of appreciating yourself. Appreciating yourself is about being grateful for yourself.
You can be:
- Thankful that your body is functioning properly.
- Grateful that you are given your natural talents and gifts.
- Appreciative towards your weaknesses too.
Also, there’s nothing egoistic about
self-appreciative. Some may think, “I can’t toot my own horn. I’ll be so
conceited or arrogant. Praises and acknowledgement should come from
someone else.”
But that isn’t true. Unlike self-esteem, which may have an element of egoism involved, self-appreciation is all about being kind to yourself.
When you appreciate yourself, you don’t enhance your self-image. You are just thankful.
Why You Need to Appreciate Yourself?
If you have done a great job, you don’t have to wait for others or a
special day to acknowledge your effort. Why not appreciate yourself
first for your effort?
Most of us let others determine if we are good enough or not. We let other people determine our worth and happiness. But appreciation doesn’t always come. Just because you put in time and effort in something, doesn’t mean that others will appreciate what you do.
What if no one appreciates what you have done? Does it mean that what you have done is worthless? Are you going to blame them for not being appreciative?
Instead of waiting or seeking approval from others, self-appreciation is a better choice. Because it’s something within our control. Furthermore, people are more likely to appreciate someone who appreciate themselves.
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